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Our Daily Montessori Services

Breakfast Club


We provide an early drop for our preschool children. They come in for breakfast club from 8 to 9am. The children can have a light breakfast of toast or cereal and can play with their friends. Their class teacher then collects them at just before 9am and brings them to their classroom for the Montessori session.

Extra Half Hour


We operate an extra half hour from 9-9.30am in addition to our ECCE hours. This allows us to fit more in to our day and also provides a little extra time for parents to fit in other school drop-offs/collections.

Lunch Club / Full Day


Our preschool children are busy little people and can stay for extended hours from 12.30-3pm or 12.30-6pm daily. The Full Day children go to the cabin at the rear of the grounds while the Lunchclub children go into class 3. In both groups there is a mixture of children from all five classes which is a nice change in routine from the Montessori classes in the morning. This helps children to make friends in lots of different classes!

Stretch and Grow come to each group three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Lunchclub and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for Full Day children. The children do a mixture of multisports and yoga. This is the highlight of Fulll Day/ lunch club and the children love their time with Jenna, Lisa and Stephanie.

The children get a hot dinner made by our resident chefs, Adrian & Angela, daily at 1.45pm. After this the children can freeplay with the toys we keep specifically for lunchclub and spend some more time also. Hometime for some children is at 3pm while others stay later.

In the afternoon there is time for quieter activities such as a craft or playdough in a small group. At 4pm the children have a healthy snack which incudes fruit and vegetables before hometime for all at 6pm.

We now also have a group of 2-3 year old Full Day children who stay in Class 2 all day. They have a nap during the day in place of Stretch N Grow but follow the same timetable for everything else.

Anchor 1


The Parish Centre,

St. Matthias' Church,
Church Road,
Co. Dublin.


Phone: 0877881167

© 2021 Ballybrack Killiney Montessori 

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